Thursday, May 28, 2015

Twos Revisited

His knees are always scraped up and dirty. His hair always needs brushed. He usually needs pants. He seldom wears shoes.

He speaks well, and he runs slow. He would follow his older brother just about anywhere.

Remember when I said the twos got a bad rap? I change my mind. I forgot how the twos are when they break my heart. The twos are when they realize that Oma trumps mama. Oma has better snacks. Oma doesn't turn off the television. Oma is patient, and she'll sleep with them the whole night through. She never yells and rarely says no. And so they beg to stay with her all the time. They never want to leave.

I've lost another one. And he sure was a cute one to lose.


  1. sighhhhh - it's hard to be compared to grandmas. I had a bad morning with my kids and oh dear, I wish I was the grandma.

    on a happier note, your bookshelves are so nice to look at!

  2. I think he still loves his mama the most. However, if you were going to lose him to another woman, I couldn't think of a better one to lose him too.
