Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dear Sweet Arlo

Oh my dear, sweet Arlo, today you are one month old, and what a month it's been. 
You have already done so much.

You have witnessed paper lanterns get shot out of the cold winter sky with blazing bottle rockets, 
and you laid snuggled against me in that dark empty field. 
You have watched your older brother and sister awake to Santa's spoils, 
and you have met your three great grand-parents.
You have rung in the New Year on your oma's lap and
you watched brave souls plunge into the cold Chesapeake on New Year's Day. 
You have bathed in sinks and cried so very few tears. 
You have been visited by beautiful women from far away places. 
You have been sick, and you have gotten well.  

Mostly, you have brought so much joy to so many people. 

We love you with every bit of our hearts, Mister Arlo.

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